This webpage has been built in traditional HTML with a blink tag and a marquee - classic elements of web 1.0. The page background is set to a repeating image of Alan Turing for a vintage vibe. Over top of this, there's a marquee rolling out the phrase 'behold the prophecy'.
A blinking paragraph saying 'elicit...reveal...transfer...' sits next to an image of the matrix code, which is not directly relevant to the words in the prompt but indirectly speaks their essence.
A randomly generated SVG path with purple fill and yellow stroke adds a touch of randomness. Further down, a definition list consists of cryptic pairs of directive-like statements and mysterious phrases giving similar vibes as the prompt but not directly using the words in it.
Lastly, to stay with the not-so-relevant_images policy, there's a robot arm, visually echoing the 'robots.txt' reference from the prompt.
The page style draws heavily on the visual aesthetic of the early web with monospaced fonts, bright colors, repeating backgrounds, and animated elements.